It occurred to me last night as I was trying to fall asleep that I haven't posted in a while, so here's a long overdue update.
Not much is going on. Asher has been enjoying school for the most part, we think. He doesn't like to talk about it. The most we typically get is that he had a good day. Occasionally we'll get other little nuggets, but not often. We don't push it, because we figure eventually he'll talk.
He had a fundraiser at school a few weeks ago and he sold enough items to earn a free trip to Cowboy Stadium for a day, which he's super excited about. Luckily our family is big enough that we didn't have to hit up people outside it to sell items. lol That field trip is next week, so I'll try to report back on that.
Elijah is now officially 4! And still having some behavioral issues on occasion. I'm beginning to wonder if its some misdirected anger about the baby or something. He's had occasional rage issues for the last couple of years, since Eden was born, but they had tapered off for a long time. Then a month ago they started back up. The kids are always worse behaved after a trip or a visit from grandparents, but this was beyond any of that. He's slowly calming down, though we had visitors this past weekend so this week has already been a little tricky. He's so funny, because he gets angry so fast and then calms down just as fast. He's definitely got my temper. Most of the time he's a pretty sweet kid, though.
Eden is the same old same old. Cute, sassy, opinionated, independent, doing great. She was sick for a week, but didn't have much in the way of symptoms other than lethargy and reduced appetite, so we didn't call a doctor (other than my mom). She bounced back and is totally back to normal.
Austin is enjoying work and the extra-curricular activities he's involved in (church music worship leadership, which is technically a job, a band that he's involved in, BEST robotics, etc).
I'm doing well, too. The baby is growing, so I am too. I'm trying to watch my weight, but I'm not dieting or anything, so don't worry on that front. I just started this pregnancy about as heavy as I finished the other three, so I'm trying to keep my weight under control.I know I should exercise more but ugh. I get tired and just want to sleep.
Because of the position of my uterus and my placenta, I don't really feel the baby move that much. It's weird to be nearly 21 weeks pregnant and know I should be feeling lots of kicks and flutters and hiccups and feel only a little tap occasionally, like at the very beginning of a pregnancy, and even though it's not always clear if it's baby or body. Everything is good, though. We're measuring right on target, so nothing to worry about. I just hope my placenta shifts so I can feel stuff soon.
Coming up is the craft fair, some field trips, fall fest, and an open house for TLCA, Halloween, stuff for church, the annual Walke Thanksgiving trip, BEST robotics, trips to DFW for the echo, a Christmas gift from Aunt Cari, and then we're into Christmas and Asher's birthday. It's getting busy and I'm not just loving that. I like my quiet boring days and weeks. My calendar being crowded isn't my favorite thing
Oh well, it keeps life interesting.