I'm seriously awful at updating the blog. Not like there's tons going on, but still.
Asher is still having a rough time at school. His anger issues got worse to the point that he was sent home three times and suspended for one day in the first three weeks of school. That's gotta be a record somewhere. We're in the process of having him evaluated for sensory disorders, emotional disorders, and autism, hoping that some diagnosis will lead us in a direction of coping mechanisms and different tactics we can take to help him.
He's been doing 2nd grade math and reading this semester and it seems to be pretty easy for him. He complained one night that the math was hard and a few days later we got home a math worksheet with everything done correctly. It was basically analyzing simplified bar graphs. It's a good thing Austin's good at math because this kid is going to surpass my abilities in a couple years. If not sooner.
During this evaluation period, he's being taken out of PE and music, the two classes he struggles in the most. Instead, he'll run on the track at the school and spend some time in the library. He's bored after reading a couple books, so maybe they can find him some worksheets or something? I dunno. We'll see when this is all done.
We should get results around the end of February, which is when HoneyBee is due, so....we'll see how that all works out. Could be an interesting time.
Elijah and Eden are doing pretty well. Eden is sassy and has started acting 2, so that's super fun. She gets into everything, even five minutes after getting a swat for getting into it. She's opinionated and likes things her way. Elijah still has his rage moments, but they seem to be fewer and farther between. Most of the time, he's pleasant and sweet.
HoneyBee and I are doing great, too. She's growing (so I'm growing, ugh) and seems to be in the right position. We're officially "term" on Friday, the 10th, so we're hoping she'll come fairly soon. I keep telling myself it's just a couple more weeks, because I'm so uncomfortable and ready to have my body back. That first night after the baby is born, I sleep SO WELL. Even waking up to nurse a time or two (I figured out very quickly how to sleep nurse. It's the best thing ever). Probably has something to do with having spent time pushing a large object out of my body but still. I'm looking forward to that first night's sleep.
And that's about it, really. The freezer is full, but not terribly organized and I hate to eat on it while I'm still pregnant but I have no energy to cook right now. So every week, I restock a little. The baby supplies are in place, as are the birth supplies and the back up plans are known by all. (Midwife is in DeLeon, so there's a chance she won't make it.) Since one of my due dates (based on her size so I ignore it) is March 6 and Mom's leaving the country on March 8, I even have a back up plan for my back up plan. That trip is a huge factor in me hoping she comes sooner rather than later.
So if you think of us, wish on stars or at 11:11 or whatever, tossing an occasional "Hey, let the HoneyBee hatch soon" wouldn't hurt my feelings.