The holidays are finally over. Thank goodness for that.
I really enjoy when it's just us, lazing around the house for a while. The holidays this year were just a little nuts. We started on Friday the 22nd and it felt like it didn't really end for a week.
We had Asher's school Christmas program Friday evening, our family Christmas Saturday morning, the Walke family Christmas Saturday afternoon and evening, then drove to Arlington for the Mullins Christmas right after church on Sunday. We were there until Thursday, when Eden had two doctor appointments in Plano. Luckily those went really well and quickly and we were hope by 3pm.
The ice and terrible weather were actually ok because it gave us an excuse to just stay home and not go anywhere or do much of anything.
Asher turned 7 without much fanfare. His party is this coming Saturday and he's looking forward to it.
Elijah is still a crazy little nugget of a sourpatch kid. He's got pretty bad psoriasis that the cold weather made look horrible. He's got some cream we put on, and that seems to be helping. He'll be seeing a dermatologist in the next couple of weeks to confirm the diagnosis.
Eden's appointments were fine. We haven't heard anything about her echo, but I'm assuming that means everything is fine. I've made a note to contact her doctor on Monday to confirm there's nothing crazy. The GI doctor said she looked fine and maybe cut back on her milk intake if she has constipation issues. She doesn't and if you try to tell her she can't have milk she will yell at you. A lot.
Rebekah got her two top teeth for Christmas. She's still a bundle of sweetness and happiness and joy. Prophetic name. Of course, my middle name is also Joy and I'm not sure that I exude that, but She loves to eat and eats everything she can get in her mouth. She's basically an organic Roomba. She regularly crawls from the back of our bedroom through the house to the dining room, where the pickings are good. Sometimes she spits up, sometimes she cries because she's tired and alone, sometimes she just puts her head down and waits for someone to find her.
Mom had been scheduled to close on a house on December 29, but that fell through because of one of the owners being a jerk. It's complicated and there's still a chance everything will work out, which she would like because she really likes the house, but she's decided to look at other houses while she waits.
It's frustrating to all of us, but mostly Mom. I'm actually ok with waiting, mostly because our buyers aren't going to be ready until about December. That's not to say if everything fell into place and miraculously Mom was ready for us to take over the Orange St. house in a month, I wouldn't jump on that. But I'm also not stressing if it takes six or seven months. That's less of a financial strain on us, in a lot of ways.
It's interesting trying to pack when we really don't know what's going to happen. I know what the plans were, but...with nowhere for Mom and Bob to go, the plans are in limbo. I'm still working on packing and purging slowly. We started with the playroom and we (meaning I) and working through the house a little bit at a time. I'm packing up what we don't use a lot but aren't ready to get rid of just yet (and that may change in a month or so when I run out of boxes) and am just kind of storing the boxes in the place where the things were. So things are going to get cluttered fast. We'll figure it out. I'm not worried.
So that's what's up around here. Procrastinating packing was just made tons easier. And kids are doing well.