Saturday, November 18, 2017

We've been busy

I don't mean to go so long between posts, it just happens. I even write out posts in my head and then forget to sit down and type them up. Needless to say, those are all incredibly touching and funny and worded perfectly.

Instead you get this. lol

At the end of October was the annual craft fair at our church. Mom has been heading that for decades at one location or another and we help out as much as we can, which admittedly isn't much. It's a lot of work and without nearly enough helpers and changes in the vendors and various other things, Mom decided not to do it anymore. There wasn't a big huge announcement, though I did post on the craft fair's facebook page.

The Saturday of the craft fair, October 28, Eden was sick to the point that she had blood in her vomit, so she got to spend a night at the hospital. It was, of course, terrible timing, but it could have been worse. No answers, just like Elijah, but everyone was checking everything because of her heart.

She was released Sunday, October 29, around 3. I went to get the boys from my brother's house and then we all met up at home around 4. Austin and I made three Pac-Man inspired costumes in an hour and a half and made it to Trunk-or-Treat at the church and came home with enough candy for a while.

When we called the pediatrician to schedule a follow up, she said to bring Eden in if she had a relapse, but otherwise we're ok not going in. However, we want to get her checked out by a pediatric gastroenterologist from Children's. That's set for December 28 in Plano. Austin will take the day off and go up with her and make a day trip of it. Merry Christmas.

I'm really glad for Eden's medical fund to pay for her visit. Elijah's was much more expensive and made things a bit tight (we're ok, just having to be more mindful of our spending than we usually are).

Elijah is doing great. He's still the little sour patch kid with the angel face. Not much new is going on for him.

Asher is doing well at school. He has his up and down days, like anyone, but it seems to be more up than down. His school had their Thanksgiving program and feast on Thursday and I was in charge of coordinating the food. They held it at First Christian so I was also a big part of the set up and clean up. My feet and knees were hurting after that. The kids did a good job, though, and the food was good.

Rebekah is just sweet and wonderful 90% of the time. The other 10% she's hungry. She's really enthusiastic about baby food and loves fruit. I think her favorite is apples and blueberries. She's also a fan of Ritz crackers and vanilla wafers. Leaves make her gag, but she continues to try them, thinking maybe THIS time they'll taste good. She's still petite and hasn't started sitting up on her own, though she can pull herself up to her knees and maintain that for a little while and if I set her down in a sitting position, she can hold that for a little bit. She got two teeth within about 10 days and her whole demeanor changed from little terrorist back to the angel baby.

The big news, though, is that we FINALLY moved the boys upstairs! I'd moved 95% of my stuff and after waiting for a few weeks (or years) for Austin to take care of his stuff, I just dragged it all down the stairs for him. Last night he and I got up there and moved the 3/4 bed and pink armchairs downstairs and moved some things around. I vacuumed most of the room then we called it a night. This morning, my older two nephews came over and helped Austin dismantle, move, and reassemble the bunk beds and then move the boys' dressers upstairs. We got most of the boys' stuff upstairs and I rearranged the girls' room and set up the 3/4 bed for Eden.

I'm so excited for this. I really think the boys are going to like having their own space, and same for the girls. There is still some parts of the upstairs that we're using for storage because I just don't have the energy at the moment to get everything put elsewhere, plus there's always going to be stuff that needs to be stored, but they've got tons of space even with me storing things up there. Eden was excited for the new arrangement but got upset when I put her blankets on the 3/4 bed. She doesn't want to use the "big girl" bed, she wants the little "ladybug" bed.

I guess if Austin annoys me I can either send him in to sleep on the 3/4 bed or I can go myself. I'm not giving up on Eden, I think she'll get used to it over time. For now, I'm ok with her sleeping in the toddler bed in the corner.

I've written before about our constant rearranging of furniture to make our house work for us. If we're here 5 months or 5 decades, it needs to work and it doesn't make sense to have so much unused space. I'm still working on the foyer and I have a few ideas. Luckily, Austin is very willing to work with me and help me by moving heavy furniture. Happy wife, happy life, right?

Pac-Man family! Elijah was Pac-Man, Rebekah was a cherry (her shirt had cherries on it) and the rest of us were ghosts. 

Upstairs back area. I don't know that it's been this clean since we moved in, to be honest. lol

Temporary drawer storage

This morning before everything got moved in.

Taking apart the bunk beds. Elijah turned around and said "Oh, thanks for taking my picture."

Dressers with drawers

A different look the length of the room. The shelves on the left are still storage for me. I need to move a lot of the stuff there into the attic, I just ran out of energy. 

Their birth samplers with Dad's ties are now hanging in the stairwell. Elijah's is newly reframed and looks FABULOUS. I'm so happy with how it came out. 

A little reading area for Asher with a few of his books. I moved what we're leaving on those shelves up to the higher shelves and left them the bottom four. He was giving me decorating tips on what to do with empty shelfspace. Weirdly enough, it wasn't "get more books."

The girls' room, Eden's nook. The giant ladybug is on the floor in the corner next to the toy chest. 

The rest of the girls' room. Rebekah likes that the curtains are high enough she can look out the window when she's laying in her bed. 

And now I'm tired. I need a shower and a nap.