Thursday, October 29, 2015


A while back, I joined a thing online called Influenster where I review products and occasionally get free products in the mail to try and review. Our first box was full of TastyKakes Minis, little chocolate cupcakes. Elijah, needless to say, was thrilled. That boy loves him some cupcakes.

I've always wanted to try TastyKake because of the Stephanie Plum books. THese did not disappoint. They do have that processed taste like most prepackaged snack cakes, but the mini size was great. It was just a bite for me and Austin and fit perfectly in Elijah's hand. There could have been more cream filling but it wasn't too bad, overall.

We don't usually buy stuff like this to have around the house because we would eat them and we don't need to, but that's really the only reason I wouldn't buy more. Austin and Elijah and I all enjoyed them. And Asher likes so little, he's not really an indicator of anything. Overall, we'd give them 4 out of 5 stars!

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